We here in the TrotMania crew are proud to introduce the first event for this game, a crossover with the recently released second version of My Little Karaoke: Singing is Magic! We've actually worked with them before, sharing resources for show tunes and having some users there act as beta testers, but now we actually have some more public involvement. As it stands, the current plan is for both games to bring over 3 songs from the other to enjoy in a different playstyle.
Aloe Aloe (Radio Edit) / Underpony
Explanation: plazma was one of the first licensed artists in both games. In DDR S+, a 3 pack was released along with 2 single-only tracks. (Now 5-packs could be sold at a lower price per track, so this is odd because of either weird licensing or just plain old money-grubbing) One of those 2 tracks was "Aloe Dreams", connection being Aloe.
Cerulean Blue / Replacer
Explanation: My word choice was key here. Catch on to "Misty" and you may think of the gym leader of the early Pokemon games. What gym did she lead? Cerulean Gym! Connection of course being Cerulean in this case.
Take My Hand / Tara Strong
Explanation: Yes this one was simple, but was also deceptively easy to miss the mark on. Starter of the -licious meme was indeed Twilightlicious, but who was it again who did that? Tara Strong, which is what I really meant by origin. The one Tara Strong song we could've crossed over from the public setlist was this one.
The My Little Karaoke crew is also planning to do this event of course
[UPDATE: Phase 1 of the event has now transpired on the My Little Karaoke side, with Again, Spin That Record Vinyl Scratch, Ultimate Sweetie Belle crossing over in a massive megapack! (Daring Do was also added, but it was part of the Ponybox event for both games) Expect news on Phase 2 on our side sometime soon!]